Graphic, merch,character designer and animator
A freelance artist from Canada that draws fandom characters in various chibi styles :D
Zine Contributions:
Winter Wonderland Zine: Emote artist
Adventure Never Ends adventure time zine: Merch artist
Hear Me Out... 2 :merch artist
Winter Wonderland Zine Vol. II : Emote & merch artist
Conventions attended at
Anime north (2023-2024 industry section)
Nadeshicon (2023)
montreal comic con (2022)
otafest (2023-2024)
Pretty heroes (2023-2024)
yeticon (2023-2024)
otakuthon (2022-2023)
midwest fur fest (2019-2024)
Further confusion ( 2023-2025)
OMG!con (2024)
Mr surprise anniversary market (2024)
Anthrocon (2024)
All designs by uukipi
For more art and information check out my socials below or toss me an email![email protected]